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Representing the People of Maryland's 3rd District

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Vote Rob Steinberger US Congress campaign sign

Attention MD03
You DO have a choice!

Please take a minute (3.5 minutes, actually) to learn more about me and my campaign.

Please reach out to volunteer!

Modern Architecture

Rob wants to know, what is the most important issue of 2024 to you? 

Most important issue poll

Illegal immigration, Economy, Taxes, Crime, Abortion, Education

Vote Rob Steinberger US Congress campaign Sign

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Steinberger will secure our southern border   

& stop illegal immigration

Did You know that it is estimated that there are 17 million Illegal immigrants currently living in the United States?  That’s nearly three times the population of Maryland.  This crisis impacts every Maryland resident and as your Congressman I will work to stop illegal immigrants from entering our Country!

It’s not just border states that feel the impact, we feel it here in Maryland as well:

  • An enormous drain on Maryland public funds, housing and public infrastructure

  • Places undue burdens on Maryland Schools, public safety and our health care system

  • Fentanyl, heroin and other deadly drugs are coming through our southern border at alarming rates and are killing thousands of Maryland residents each year who die of drug overdoses.  

  • Compromises our nation’s security and Maryland’s public safety.  Thousands of unknown people enter our country illegally each day through the southern border, some have terrorist affiliations and are gang members from other countries.



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